Most people are under the assumption that food feeds only your body; this is not true. The food you eat will also feed the plaque that is living inside of your mouth. You do not want the plaque to damage the enamel on your teeth, which ultimately leads to tooth decay.
Best Foods
Changes in your mouth occur the moment that you eat specific foods. To prevent cavities, tooth breakage, and other dental damage, you want to eat right. Some of the best foods to eat include:
• Meats (Such as chicken)
• Cheese
• Milk
• Nuts
These types of food are not only high in the calcium you need, but also they protect your tooth’s enamel.
You should also eat foods high in water that can dilute sugars, and foods that stimulate the flow of your saliva. Those foods include:
• Fruits (Such as Apples and Pears)
• Vegetables
Although you want to watch the foods that are high in acid, you can still enjoy these foods if you eat them with large meals; this helps minimize the acid. Those foods include:
• Lemons
• Tomatoes
• Citrus Fruits
Worst Foods
Foods that are made with sugar and starch are the worst for your teeth. Each time you eat sugary foods, the sugar remains on your teeth. These types of food are plaque’s best-friend. Sugar and starchy foods will produce acids that lead to tooth decay because they stick to your teeth and stay in your mouth for long periods of time.
Foods that could damage your teeth most include:
• French Fries
• Breads
• Pretzels
• Cookies
• Cakes
• Candy
• Soda
• Beets
• Curry
• Popsicles
• Coffee and Tea
These foods also include teeth-staining coloring agents that damage the appearance of your teeth.
Natural Sweeteners
Giving up sweets and other foods is hard to do, which is why there are substitution foods you can eat to feed your craving. Sugar-free foods and beverages are generally processed without any sugar; however, other sweeteners may be added to these foods. You should check the label for these types of natural sweeteners, because they can be just as harmful as sugar. Some of the natural sweeteners to avoid are:
• Barley Malt
• Rice Syrup
• Honey
• Evaporated Cane Sugar
• Fructose
• Molasses
Protecting your teeth should be a priority. The types of food you eat will not only strengthen your teeth, but they will help you maintain your health in general. It is important to eat balanced meals – and snacks – throughout the day. Make sure that you brush your teeth and floss after meals to remove food that sticks to your teeth. This practice will also help you eliminate some of the plaque buildup.
“Best and Worst Food for Your Teeth.” ABC News. Retrieved from Accessed on August 7, 2013.
“Diet and Oral Health.” WebMD. Retrieved from Accessed on August 7, 2013.
“12 Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth.” Care 2 Make a Difference. Retrieved from Accessed on August 7, 2013.