One of the scariest places on earth for some people is the dentist’s chair. Knowing that drilling sounds and teeth grinding is only a few seconds away can cause stress and panic but the knowledge of the relief afterwards is well worth the fear. Receiving a treatment that involves fillings or restorations does need to be a stressful one. There are several steps that a dentist will take to create fillings for teeth and most are practically pain free.
Getting a filling is a safe and effective way of dealing with a damaged tooth. There are ultimately no risks involved when a healthy patient has a cavity filled. Health conditions that could cause potential risks include heart problems or other conditions that require medication which may interfere with the process of getting a filling, but these situations rarely cause a problem.
In order for a dentist to create a filling a numbing process must take place to ensure that no pain will be felt during the procedure. The gums, tongue, teeth, and the skin surrounding the mouth are numbed for the patient’s comfort. A gel like substance or jelly is swabbed on the area to begin the numbing process before anesthetic injections are made. In some instances laughing gas or nitrous oxide gas is given to the patient to help with relaxation and pain.
Once the patient is relaxed and the area is numb, the dentist will begin to eliminate the decay. There are many ways that a dentist might do this, however the most commonly used method is by drilling it away with a small dental drill. A filling is placed where the cavity once was to strengthen the tooth and help promote cavity resistance.
Filling a tooth not only prevents another cavity from forming but it also protects the tooth from further decay. In some areas, laser treatments are provided for tooth decay and the preparation to create a filling. When having a tooth filled there are sensitivity issues that can be experienced such as eating or drinking items that are hot or cold. Some types of toothpaste are made to help with sensitive teeth and these are recommended for anyone experiencing discomfort from a recent filling.
The best solution for cavities is to prevent them, but that is not always easy. Brushing your teeth the recommended way and twice daily can help strengthen your teeth and combat tooth decay. If a cavity goes untreated it could potentially worsen and cause the need for more extensive dental treatments such as root canals or even tooth extraction. So make sure you take good care of your teeth and get any potential problems checked out by a dentist as soon as possible.