Tips for First Time Tooth Fairies
Image from Robert S. Donovan Being the tooth fairy is not as simple as it may seem. With all the excitement built up around your child’s losing his or her baby teeth, there are a lot of expectations to live up to. Your child may have friends who have already lost teeth and already been […]
Read More →How Fluoride Helps Your Teeth
What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? You brush your teeth. And then right before you go to bed at night, you brush them again. Taking care of your teeth is an important daily routine for your health. To ensure that you are doing all the right things […]
Read More →Loose Teeth: To Pull or Not to Pull
Photo by Qiqi on Flickr It is a natural part of the growing up process for children to lose their baby teeth. For concerned parents who are looking for advice on their children’s teeth, the best place to obtain information is from an experienced dentist in Pleasant View, Utah. But to get started, here’s […]
Read More →Good and Bad Foods
Most people are under the assumption that food feeds only your body; this is not true. The food you eat will also feed the plaque that is living inside of your mouth. You do not want the plaque to damage the enamel on your teeth, which ultimately leads to tooth decay. Best Foods Changes in […]
Read More →Baby’s First Dentist Visit…When is it the Right Time?
Parents all struggle with the question, “When is it time for my baby to visit the dentist?” Although the answer depends on you, there are some medical professionals who put time frames on when a baby’s first dentist appointment should be scheduled. The American Academy for Pediatrics states that all children should have their first […]
Read More →Dental Fillings and Restorations
One of the scariest places on earth for some people is the dentist’s chair. Knowing that drilling sounds and teeth grinding is only a few seconds away can cause stress and panic but the knowledge of the relief afterwards is well worth the fear. Receiving a treatment that involves fillings or restorations does need to […]
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