When people talk about different animals there are some animals whose teeth cause people to shake in fear. The rows of razor sharp teeth of a Great White Shark will cause anyone to cringe at the thought of being bit. Many kids have marveled at the sight of a Saber Toothed Tiger and wondered how long those big teeth could grow to be. The teeth of cows are famous for their ability to chew on grass all day long. It is very easy to have many discussions about different animal’s teeth, but there is one question that is very popular to ask about this topic. What are the animals with the longest teeth?
1. When it comes to long teeth, the elephant is tough to beat. The tusks that elephants have are actually incisors. They can grow to a length of over 15 feet on average. What most people do not realize is that the tusks they see are only 2/3 of the whole tusk of the elephant. The other third is not visible because it is embedded in the elephant’s skull. In terms of heaviest tusk on record, one was found on an African Elephant in 1897 that weighed in at 458 pounds.
2. When it comes to fish, the fish with the longest tooth is appropriately named the Fangtooth. The fish itself is not really that big. It grows to an average length of only around 7 inches. The most prominent feature of this fish is the two teeth that can be found hanging out of its mouth. The fangs of this fish are so long that they can never close their mouth completely. They may not be the largest teeth in size, but when you consider the size of the teeth in proportion with the size of the fish, these fang teeth are recognized as the largest teeth for a fish.
3. When it comes to large animals, dinosaurs often come to mind. The largest dinosaur tooth is often considered to be the ones from the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The T-Rex is well known as a carnivorous dinosaur. Its teeth have been estimated to be as long as 30 centimeters in length when you include the root.
No matter how big the tooth of an animal is the more important thing to worry about is how they use it. The teeth of a lion may not be that big, but no one wants to end up being bitten by one of these animals. It is better to look at some animals teeth from a distance or on television than up close and personal.