Flossing is a necessary part of your oral hygiene routine. It is important to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, receive dental checkups every six months, and floss at least once a day. When you build a solid foundation of flossing, your teeth will stay much healthier and cleaner. Here are three tips that will make flossing much easier.
1. Be Consistent
Make sure that you floss every day without exception. Ensure that you are flossing during the time of day that is most convenient for you. If you find that you are often rushing through your morning routine, floss at night. This is vital to ensure that your teeth stay healthy. Additionally, teeth that aren’t flossed often may bleed a little when flossed. If you stay consistent, this should cease happening. If it has been more than a few weeks, visit our office to determine if there is another underlying problem.
2. Floss First
Flossing before brushing or using mouthwash can ensure that your flossing is completed daily. Additionally, brushing or using mouthwash after flossing can help flush out the dislodged food particles from your mouth.
3. Use the Right Product
There are many products available for flossing. There are threaders, picks, tape, and both waxed and unwaxed floss. If a specific product doesn’t work for you, keep trying new flossing products. Using a flossing product that works for you will help you stay consistent with your flossing.
It is important to floss daily to prevent damage from occurring to your teeth. The best approach to your dental health is prevention, which is why it is important to follow an excellent oral hygiene routine. To learn more about how to protect your teeth, contact us at Mountain View Pediatric Dentistry today.